Thank you for taking this survey.
We want to hear how you feel about your town? What makes your town great? What is the future for the area? Let us capture your vision and stories so together we can build a vibrant Design Guide for Suffolk.
If you live in Suffolk, please answer the following questions based on your experience as a resident. If you are a visitor to Suffolk, please answer the following questions based on a time or the occasions you have visited the town. Finally; if you have never visited Suffolk, please answer the following questions based on your perception of the town.
The survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete. Please use the buttons, prompts and inner scroll bar to navigate the survey. Mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk.
Please enter at least the first three letters / numbers.
2 - What makes Suffolk Unique?
In a few words or sentences, what makes Suffolk better and different
from other places?
What are the unique, historical, current and future buildings that a new brand for Suffolk should recognise? Please give examples where possible.
Which words or phrases best describe Suffolk?
3 - Please rank Suffolk on a scale of 0 to 10 on the following areas
Where 0 = very weak, 5 = average and 10 = very strong
Entertainment and recreation options
Housing options and affordability
Innovation and creativity
4 - Thanks - you're 66% complete. What is the future of Suffolk?
Tell us about your vision for Suffolk...
Do you believe this to be true?