Engagement Workshop 2: Delivering Design Quality in Suffolk
Wed, 16 Jan
|Ipswich Town Football Club
The conversation continues...

Time & Location
16 Jan 2019, 09:30 – 16:30
Ipswich Town Football Club, Portman Rd, Ipswich IP1 2DA
About The Event
Suffolk Design is entering an intense period of discussion as we seek to gather the views of key stakeholders in the built and natural environment of Suffolk.
At this second workshop the private sector joins the conversation, as well as a wider range of local authority departments, statutory consultees and community leaders.
The day will consist of short talks, group working and feedback sessions.
We will be:
- Showcasing how a web-based portal to access the wealth of, studies, policy and guidance in Suffolk might look and function
- Setting priorities for updating design policy and guidance for the county
- Deciding what policies and procedures should be consistent across Suffolk’s local authorities
- Discussing what might be included in a continuing programme of design CPD for the public and private sectors in the county
We will be addressing the question of how to deliver design quality in addition to speed, volume and scale.
Suffolk Design is a major initiative by all the local authorities in Suffolk, supported by funding from the Ministry of Housing, Local Government and Communities, to improve design quality in the built environment. Over the coming months we will be working to produce design guidance for Suffolk that is committed to delivering good growth; growth that is integrated into the County’s settlements and landscapes and that responds to context. Alongside this will be programme of learning and networking events.
Time and date:
Wednesday 16th January 2018
09:30 - 16:30
09.30 Arrival, registration and refreshments
10.00 Welcome 10.05 Introduction to Suffolk Design and outline of work to date
10.15 Exercise: towards a vision - acorns & nuts
10.40 Feedback and discussion
11:10 Break
11.30 Introducing the high-level design principles
11.45 Topic tables: refining the principles
12:15 Feedback 12.50 Lunch
13.30 Recap on the morning and discussion
13.45 Topic tables: towards common approaches
14.20 Feedback and discussion
15.00 Break
15.20 Exercise: policy and guidance - what do we value?
15:50 Feedback and discussion
16.10 Plenary discussion and conclusions
16.30 Close
Location: Ipswich Town FC, Portman Rd, Ipswich, IP1 2DA
Please register online HERE to confirm your free place.
For any queries please email to: suffolkdesign@designsoutheast.org or our project manager Jen Bundock: Jen@hudsonarchitects.co.uk
We look forward to seeing you there.
Design South East