Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Recent emphasis has been put on quantity and quick delivery of new development rather than quality. Will the guide have the power to change this?
A. The intention is that the guide will be adopted and therefore will carry weight.
Q. Will issues of economic and social sustainability be considered as part of good design such as community spaces, highways, cycle and walking routes?
A. These issues will be of central concern to any design guidance.
Q. Will issues of economic and social sustainability be considered as part of good design such as community spaces, highways, cycle and walking routes?
A. These issues will be of central concern to any design guidance.
Q. How do we get the buy in of developers and landowners?
A. We will be actively engaging with both these groups to find mutual benefits in creating value through good design.
Q. How will the guide encourage a richer diversity of housing?
A. How we provide appropriate housing in the right places will be central to the guide.
Q. How will the guide ensure all new developments are environmentally sustainable and have renewable energies embedded?
A. Environmental sustainability will be a continuous thread through the guide and the degree that’s this is embedded will come through discussions with all sides of the development industry.
Q. It all sounds very high level so how will planning authorities apply design principles and is there a role for something like the RIBA Suffolk Design Review Panel?
A. The intention is that the guide will give a positive design direction to all planning applications and we will be certainly be considering Design Review Panels.
Q. Will proper regard be given to Suffolk’s existing amazing assets and its diverse character?
A. Yes. Part of the process will be to highlight what is amazing and distinctive about Suffolk and to make sure that is recognised in future developments.
Q. There is often apparent conflict between utilities, highways and developers and their agents in the pursuit of good design- how will the guide help?
A. This is recognised and we will be looking at ways we can develop a more cooperative approach to these issues.
Q. Health and wellbeing are big issues. How is this going to be addressed?
A. Everybody recognises that getting this right for now and the future is crucial and the guide will give direction showing how good design can help.